How to Read Indicators Camera Exposure

Indicator of exposure is one of the important part the camera, vital in understanding and using any exposure mode: either manual, aperture priority and shutter priority. For beginners, understanding exposure indicator is the bridge that helps auto exposure across the world to use manual exposure and other creative techniques. This indicator can we analogy with existing speedometer in a car or motorcycle dashboard.To what Exposure Indicator
At its core is a marker of how much exposure indicators that we use exposure. If you still remember about the exposure triangle and the basic theory of exposure, exposure is the result of a combination of 3 things: setting aperture - shutter speed - ISO. And the exposure value is determined by how we measure the value of a light-dark subject, read the back of the metering.Position Indicator Exposure
In Canon DSLR cameras, expsoure indicator looks like this:
Exposure indicator canon
On Nikon DSLR cameras, exposure indicator looks like this:
Nikon exposure indicator
While in others the average DSLR, exposure indicator will look like this:
Another indicator of exposure dslr
If we look at the top of the LCD panel of a DSLR camera, the location indicator expsoure something like this (different cameras to look different you know!):
Camera indicator panelHow to Read Indicators of Exposure
Exposure indicator reading is no different than reading in scales or scale a temperature scale thermometer. In the picture above, we take the example of Canon camera exposure indicator: when the marker is in the 0 then it means we are at the neutral point (properly exposed), while in the figure of -1 means 1 stop underexposed, as in figure 2 then 2 stops overexposed. Minus sign (-) means under, while positive (no sign) means over.Examples of Exposure Indicators
Example of a photo with a neutral exposure, see the position indicator on the number 0:
Exposure neutral
Example of a photo under exposure by 2 stops and position indicators:
Exposure under
Note the difference in notation between Nikon exposure indicator (the indicator at the top) and Canon (the indicator is in the middle).Practicing With Mode Manual Exposure Indicator
There are several ways in which we can train the understanding and use of indicators of exposure, one of which is in a way like this:

Set the camera in position mode Manual Exposure (M)
Set the ISO at position 200 (or any number but not too high)
Push the shutter release button halfway to instruct the camera do the metering
Point the camera towards the subject is dark, look at the position of the pointer on the exposure indicator
Now point the camera at a bright subject, re-look at the exposure position indicator pointer
After understanding the exposure indicator, which can be done now is to implement it in manual mode. To shift the position of the indicators you can use exposure compensation and or change the exposure settings constituent elements of the triangle: aperture - shutter speed - ISO. One thing to note: we do not have to always strive to be the indicator is in position 0 (zero which means properly exposed), all depending on the lighting conditions, metering techniques that we use and of course visual touches we want to achieve.


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